Belle de Nature


The tighter the knots around her body, the further Clara’s imagination takes flight. She finds herself naked, at the edge of the woods. The grass tickles her feet, a bramble scratches her skin, the trees whip her passionately. Clara meets her lover; the forest, her mistress… Nature.

Plus les noeuds se resserrent autour de son corps et plus l’imagination de Clara s’envole. Elle se retrouve alors, nue, à l’orée d’un bois. L’herbe lui chatouille les pieds, une ronce l’égratigne, … Clara rejoint son amante, la forêt. …

Belle de Nature
a Maria Beatty film
France, 2009, color
Duration: 11 mins.
Scenario: Claire Menichi
Starring: Anna Gorynsztejn
Director of Photography: Isabelle Dumas
Original Music by John Zorn
Produced by France 2 and Paraiso Productions

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